Closing Plenary - The Way Forward: Collective Action for Infrastructure Resilience
The closing plenary will act as a call to action to deliver on enhanced investments for resilient infrastructure. The session will include a high-level panel discussion, followed by a summary of the conference, and a vote of thanks.
Mr. Damien Syed, Deputy Head of Mission, French Embassy in India
Mr. Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in Indiat
Dr. Janise Rodgers, Chief Operating Officer, GeoHazards International
Ms. Carla Montesi, Director, Green Deal and the Digital Agenda, DG-INTPA, European Commission
Dr. Kit Miyamoto, CEO, Miyamoto International
Ms. Mio Oka, Country Director for India, ADB
Mr. Amit Prothi, Director General, CDRI
Ms. Jayashree Nandi, Senior Assistant Editor, Hindustan Times (Moderator)
Mr. Amit Prothi
Director General, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)